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Showing posts with the label Consciousness

God With Us

So many times, as children of God, we tend to lose consciousness of His Presence with us. As a result, we find ourselves overwhelmed and defeated by the circumstances of life. I want to remind you that your faith is what overcomes the world. If you do not apply your faith you may not stand a chance against the storms of life. These storms come to everybody, no exceptions. But whenever the winds beat upon you they must find you founded upon The Rock of Ages. I want to share with you a testimony that will help you remember your roots in Christ. It is a tale like no other, and comes from the depths of my heart, and the contents of this tale are true. Some 3 years ago I was in one of those positions where the circumstances of life caved in on me. As a man of Goind, I could in no wise yield that easy for I am loaded with the knowledge of the principles of the Kingdom of God. I had been battling for an entire year with these circumstances, and at that point I was nearing defeat. So I took on