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Navigating the Realm of Money as a Child of God

 Navigating the Realm of Money as a Child of God


The Ministry of Reconciliation


As children of God, we all have a shared ministry of reconciliation. This means that our lives should be a testament to God's grace and mercy, guiding others towards the kingdom of God. The five-fold ministers of the gospel - apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers - have the primary responsibility of ensuring the growth and spiritual maturity of the church. However, the ministry of reconciliation is not limited to these leaders; it is the duty of every child of God.

The Cost of the Gospel


Fulfilling the gospel mandate requires financial resources. In 1 Corinthians 9:7, the Bible states that a soldier does not go to war at his own expense. Similarly, as soldiers in the kingdom of God, we do not bear the full cost of the work we are called to do. The Lord Himself is committed to providing the necessary resources to accomplish the tasks He has set before us.

The gospel is an expensive endeavor, but the child of God should not view it as a personal burden. Instead, we should recognize that the Lord is responsible for ensuring the availability of the resources needed to fulfill His work. This perspective frees us from the anxiety of financial constraints and allows us to focus on the mission at hand.

The Advantage of the Child of God


The child of God has a distinct advantage in navigating the financial realm. This advantage stems from the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit and the intimate connection between our spirit and the Spirit of God. Through this spiritual union, we are able to discern and act upon inner promptings that transcend natural understanding.

The author shares an anecdote about his ability to acquire additional cars, not through any secret formula, but through a spiritual awareness that goes beyond the limitations of the natural mind. This spiritual perception allows the child of God to see opportunities and make decisions that may not be immediately evident to those operating solely in the natural realm.

The Danger of Impoverishment


The Bible teaches that the impoverishment of God's people is not due to divine punishment, but rather a lack of knowledge. When Christians find themselves in a state of financial destitution, it is often because they have not fully grasped the truth that God desires to provide for their needs. This lack of understanding can lead them to engage in unwise or even unethical practices in an attempt to meet their financial needs.

The child of God must recognize that God is not a father who withholds provision from His children. Instead, He desires to equip us with the knowledge and spiritual awareness to navigate the financial realm in a manner that glorifies Him and advances His kingdom.

Cultivating Spiritual Awareness


The key to unlocking the financial advantage of the child of God lies in the cultivation of spiritual awareness and intimacy with the Holy Spirit. Through constant communion, fellowship, and oneness with the Spirit of God, we can develop the ability to discern divine promptings and tap into the resources made available to us as kingdom citizens.

This spiritual awareness is not something that can be easily explained or quantified, but it is a reality that the child of God can experience. By surrendering to the leading of the Holy Spirit and trusting in God's provision, we can navigate the financial landscape with confidence and clarity, ultimately fulfilling the ministry of reconciliation to which we have been called.



As children of God, we are not meant to struggle with financial constraints or be limited by the natural understanding of the world. Through the power of the Holy Spirit and the spiritual advantage granted to us, we can confidently navigate the realm of money and resources, using them to advance the gospel and bring people into the kingdom of God.

By embracing our ministry of reconciliation and trusting in God's provision, we can experience the freedom and abundance that comes from walking in spiritual awareness and alignment with the will of the Father. Let us, therefore, boldly step forward, knowing that the Lord Himself is committed to supplying all that we need to fulfill the work He has entrusted to us.


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