The Greatest Person on the earth today, The Great Holy Spirit of God. He is God the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a Person, which means He is a personality. It is actually a matter of ignorance when you hear people calling Him a thing, making statements. “When we pray, God sends us the Holy Spirit,and it comes down like a dove!” Unseen yet very present. He is both where you are and where Iam. He is the Power of God. He it is who beautified the heavens. It is impossible to describe Him in totality, but we will talk about His Person in thischapter. Who is He? He is God the Holy Spirit. To better understand His Personality we have to look at Jesus. The Lord Jesus, when He talked about the Holy Spirit, He called Him “ALLOS PARAKLETOS” meaning ANOTHER ONE OF THE SAME KIND AS ME. _ “And I will pray the Father,and he shall give you another comforter,that he may abide with you forever;” John14:16 _ This is what these words are in their original setting here, ‘another comforter’, it me