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You know All Things

Unction - "An outworking of an inner experience." - TD Siwele 

The Holy Spirit tends to guide us through an unction we get on the inside of us, in our spirit. Unction is well known by every grown up in the world, but, for the most part, they cannot describe it. You often find this in their words whenever something happens, whether good or bad, and they exclaim "I KNEW IT!" 
They are not lying when they say they knew it, it is actually true. Their true failure is not mastering this inner treasure. There have been many times in my own experience, where people have betrayed me. But I knew in advance that this would happen, and I also knew exactly how to deal with it. Not because I am special, or anything of the sort, but I have trained myself over the years, to better understand the unction of the Spirit

David expressed it thus: 

Psalm 16:7 "I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel: my reins also instruct me in the night seasons." He says "his reins (his heart; his inner man) instructs him in the night seasons. 

How I love this portion of scripture! Unction is not a voice or a vision. It is that inner leading that you cannot explain to anyone yet you understand it very well. With unction and discernment, one does not need to wait for a voice or vision from God. This is because unction and discernment allow us to walk in our true nature, the nature of God. As a result we will always find ourselves in the current of God's will

It is God's will that we walk with him naturally, and getting acquainted with the unction of the Spirit in us will allow us to do just that. Every child of God can know, at all times, what the will of God for them is, through the unction of the Holy Spirit inside them. 

God speaks in various ways, through visions, His Voice, dreams, the written Word, and many other symbolic ways, but getting acquainted with the unction of the Spirit helps you to know what God wants you to do in the now. 

1 John 2:20 "But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things."

Our job is to learn the workings of the unction of God, because it is already in us. Identifying the leading of the Lord through unction is possible when you spend time in the Word of God. 

Spend time reading the Word, Speaking the Word, and praying in the Holy Ghost. Then you practice following that unction every day. 

Keep your spirit man alert at all times. Unction will also help you in interpreting your dreams. This is because while you are dreaming, there are emotions that accompany the dream, and the unction of the Spirit is right there to lay bare the meaning of all that was in that dream. 


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