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The Holy Spirit

The Greatest Person on the earth today, The Great Holy Spirit of God. He is God the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a Person, which means He is a personality. It is actually a matter of ignorance when you hear people calling Him a thing, making statements. “When we pray, God sends us the Holy Spirit,and it comes down like a dove!” Unseen yet very present. He is both where you are and where Iam. He is the Power of God. He it is who beautified the heavens. It is impossible to describe Him in totality, but we will talk about His Person in thischapter. Who is He? He is God the Holy Spirit. To better understand His Personality we have to look at Jesus. The Lord Jesus, when He talked about the Holy Spirit, He called Him “ALLOS PARAKLETOS” meaning ANOTHER ONE OF THE SAME KIND AS ME. _ “And I will pray the Father,and he shall give you another comforter,that he may abide with you forever;” John14:16 _ This is what these words are in their original setting here, ‘another comforter’, it me

Know Him, and then Serve Him

Often times we find saints rushing into the ministry, maybe because they got a prophecy that they were called into ministry or because they received some vision. Then they go out and pitch their tent and start a church!   But that is not the way of the Lord. Growth in God happens progressively. That is why we run the race with patience. David talked to his son, Solomon and said: _ “ And  thou,  Solomon my  son, know thou the God of thy  father,  and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind”1 Chronicles28:9. _   We need to know God first and then serve him.  How  can you serve a God that you don’t know? How   can you guarantee that your attitude and motive in that service is pure? The Lord Jesus knew that  He  was called from a very young age. He  knew  He  was born the Savior of the world yet  He  didn’t begin his ministry until the age of thirty. What was  He  doing all those years?  He  was learning to walk with God practically. And when the appoint

Practice the Presence of Jesus

TL Osborn used to say that whenever he went to minister before a large  crowd,  he would practice the presence of Jesus.  He  would go up on the stage as if Jesus himself was going up the stage and he would minister as though Jesus Himself was ministering. That  gave  him the consciousness of Jesus being with him. With this attitude he ministered to millions of people around the world, healing all manner of diseases.   We should minister with the same attitude _ Jesus said in ‘At  that day ye shall know that I am in my  Father,  and ye in me, and I in you.’ - John 14:20 _ Now we live in that day. We live in perfect unity with God. We are in him and He is in us. Our consciousness should always be that God is with us and in us.   Consider the lives of the men and women that the bible records that God was with them. What great lives they had. Remember the story of Joseph? The bible records that ‘The LORD was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man’ Genesis

What Limits?

  Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, why could not we cast him out? And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief - Matthew17:19-20 _ Unbelief is the only thing that can hinder the power of God. Consider the disciples. They had the authority to cast out demons but because of their own unbelief, they couldn’t cast the demon out.   We can have the power of God but it takes faith to activate the power of God in our lives. If we don’t believe it, we cannot have  it. Any belief in the word of God must be supported with corresponding action.   Peter walked on water by faith.  He  acted on the word of Jesus when he said  ‘come’.  And in that moment, he had faith and the power of God that came with that word carried him and he walked on water.   The moment he let doubt in, he began to sink. He didn’t sink because the word didn’t have power anymore but because he began to doubt. Without faith the power of God cannot work for us. Faith is the curr

You know All Things

Unction - "An outworking of an inner experience." - TD Siwele  The Holy Spirit tends to guide us through an unction we get on the inside of us, in our spirit. Unction is well known by every grown up in the world, but, for the most part, they cannot describe it. You often find this in their words whenever something happens, whether good or bad, and they exclaim "I KNEW IT!"  They are not lying when they say they knew it, it is actually true. Their true failure is not mastering this inner treasure. There have been many times in my own experience, where people have betrayed me. But I knew in advance that this would happen, and I also knew exactly how to deal with it. Not because I am special, or anything of the sort, but I have trained myself over the years, to better understand the unction of the Spirit David expressed it thus:  Psalm 16:7 "I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel: my reins also instruct me in the night seasons." He says "his re