Being a leader is an aspiration of many, most often the responsibility that comes with that leadership is overlooked. There are plenty tears that accompany such leadership. Be that as it may, the corresponding glory is not to be compared to anything, it surpasses them by far.
Persecutors are better left to God, not for punishment, but like our Lord Jesus Christ we say "Father, forgive them. They know not what they do."
There is a saying that goes "There are many who don't know, and they don't know that they don't know." This saying applies to our persecutors, they have no idea what they are doing. And it shouldn't surprise you that persecution towards you will come from baby Christians and unbelievers. But for the most part, it will be the baby Christians.
We face, as it were, lions that want to devour us. Like the apostles of old, they were in peril of dangerous people, of false brethren, and so forth. But only the will of God will happen to us, nothing else.
In the day of reckoning, our persecutors will know that they were mistaken. How happy they will be to find out that they need not account for their wrong because we, who are spiritual, have made intercession for them and the Lord forgave.
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